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June 30, 2007

how to use this page

Welcome! This page is a collection of resources for and information about the U2charist, a service of the Eucharist using the music of U2 as service music and hymns and highlighting God's mission of justice and reconciliation in the world, particularly around the Millennium Development Goals. The resources come from across the creativity of God's church, and are compiled by Sarah Dylan Breuer, who coined the term "U2charist" and instigated the first service, held in Baltimore, Maryland on April 17, 2004.

You can see the full list of what kinds of things are offered here in the list of categories in the sidebar on this right-hand side of the page. Some of the highlights:

  • The U2charist FAQ, answering frequently asked questions about how the U2charist started and spread, what you need (and don't need!) to put on a U2charist, and more.
  • Playlists of songs used in services
  • Links to guitar and bass tab sites, for those using live music in the service
  • Links to sites providing lyrics to U2 songs
  • Images/slides for U2charist services and suggestions on where and how to find others
  • Suggestions for U2 songs suitable (sometimes with adaptation) as service music (e.g., the Kyrie, the Gloria, the Sanctus) or with other points in the liturgy (e.g., the Confession, the Absolution)
  • Links to sites of information and activism around the Millennium Development Goals

If you have information, history, liturgies, or other resources to contribute, or if you've already posted any of these and would like a link to them on this site, please email Sarah Dylan Breuer; the more good material we've got here, the more helpful the page will be! Please include a note with your submission including your name as you'd like to be credited, any church or other affiliations you'd like to list, and note whether you're willing to have a link so people can email you with questions about what you're offering.

June 30, 2007 in How to use this page | Permalink


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