I've had a soft spot for capybaras ever since I read Bill Peet's Cappyboppy as a child. The bars in this photo, though, kept bringing to mind B-movies instead.
The cubs we saw on our last visit have grown a lot, but they still liked curling up with their mom – at least when it was cold.
A little educational touch for Boo at the Zoo – extinct species, rest in peace.
One of the scarier displays for Boo at the Zoo ... I think it was meant to invite us to imagine what outdoor nativity scenes might look like if designed by John Waters. Truly frightening!
a spookier version of the stock American scene at the fishin' hole, courtesy of Boo at the Zoo
This Boo at the Zoo creation was right next to the surreal outdoor bathroom scene. I think it was supposed to be a tableau from Psycho, only with a skeleton being murdered by a giant rat.
It must be a heck of a lot of fun to put together the displays for Boo at the Zoo. This outdoor bathroom scene struck me as more surreal than scary, but I liked it.
Unfortunately, the later photo of the tiger CLIMBING THE TREE – all four legs on the trunk – didn't turn out.
This species from Mongolia is the only kind of horse on Earth that hasn't been domesticated – other wild horses are domestic horses that escaped and then bred. You know that saying, "wild horses couldn't drag me away"? I get the impression that it's either about the horse being too cute to resist (and thus it refers to the determination of the speaker) or it must be an expression like "you could have knocked me over with a feather," referring to how the wild horse is more interested in munching on some hay than in dragging anyone anywhere.