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Third Sunday in Lent, Year A

Romans 5:1-11 - link to NRSV text
John 4:5-26(27-38)39-42 - link to NRSV text

If you haven't seen it before, I encourage you to check out this SarahLaughed.net reflection on the texts for this coming Sunday, the themes of which strike me as being as relevant as they were in 2005. I'm continuing to reflect on the texts, of course, and will see whether something new emerges that's worth sharing.

February 18, 2008 in Evangelism, John, Lent, Romans, Women, Year A | Permalink


Great sermon, as always! I took the liberty to quote you and link to your page over at our new little Preacher's Post at The Beatitudes Society. Normally I post my own sermons, but I don't have one this week, and yours is too darn good to miss! Thanks so much for all you do! Anne Howard

Posted by: Anne | Feb 26, 2008 7:47:28 PM

Peace be with the moderator as well as all those who read this message.
The time has come.
I am here to bring judgment to the living and the dead.
The harvest is ripe, pass this on to all fellow believers.

The Faithful Witness

Posted by: duke | Mar 4, 2008 7:31:17 AM

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Dylan's lectionary blog: Third Sunday in Lent, Year A

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Third Sunday in Lent, Year A

Romans 5:1-11 - link to NRSV text
John 4:5-26(27-38)39-42 - link to NRSV text

If you haven't seen it before, I encourage you to check out this SarahLaughed.net reflection on the texts for this coming Sunday, the themes of which strike me as being as relevant as they were in 2005. I'm continuing to reflect on the texts, of course, and will see whether something new emerges that's worth sharing.

February 18, 2008 in Evangelism, John, Lent, Romans, Women, Year A | Permalink


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