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domain name problem solved
Dear All,
I'm glad to say that the domain name has been solved -- and it did turn out to be an honest mistake rather than an attempted domain hijack.
Phew! I'm looking forward to concentrating on CONTENT rather than the technology that helps me get the content out there.
February 13, 2008 in Administrivia | Permalink
Yay! Glad to hear that got straightened out. I had a domain name hijacked once. Back in the 1990s I noticed AnnieDillard.com was available. Worried that someone might abuse the name of my favorite author, I purchased it and put up a little fan page. Just links to her titles, etc. There was also a note to her that if she wanted the domain, I was more than happy to turn it over to her.
It was hijacked by a militant anti-abortion group who used it to post horrible pictures. I contact the writer's guild and they got lawyers involved. Ms. Dillard got control of her domain, though I don't think she knows anything about my involvement.
But I still remember my horror when I went to the site to find it defiled and ruined.
Posted by: real live preacher | Feb 17, 2008 2:48:48 PM
I've been on your blog for several years now, enjoying the posts and keeping a low profile! :-) As a professional harpist, which is also part of my work as a Deacon in the Diocese of Oklahoma, I can pass along my own satisfaction with the Guitar Center for purchases I have made over the years. I still try to support the local businesses whenever I can. But there are some items I can't get from them, and off I go to Guitar Center (GC). I have a "professional discount" with GC up to 20%, depending on the item. The sales people are always helpful, so Dylan, you are in good company, I think! With all the pros out there trying to sell pro audio/video equipment, I know you'll do an admirable job of helping those who have budget demands for high quality at a lower price! It can be done.
Thanks for all you do and have done in our Cyber Community! I look forward to seeing more from you and others!
The Rev. Linda Paul
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Posted by: Linda Paul | Nov 10, 2008 8:49:23 AM
This is why the lead pastor of my church doesn't handle any of the administrative work, he just focuses on preparing the messages.
Posted by: Andrew | Feb 8, 2010 3:16:51 PM
If only there were a staff at SarahLaughed to whom I could delegate some things! I'm a lay person not employed by any congregation at the moment, so while I do have two cats in charge of pouncing, sunbathing, and morale boosting, otherwise it's just me.
Posted by: Sarah Dylan Breuer | Apr 5, 2010 9:28:00 AM