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A Personal Note of Thanks
I just stumbled across a number of sermons on the Internet where people have cited this blog, and I have to say that I got a little teary seeing some of the beautiful, powerful preaching that y'all who read SarahLaughed.net are doing. It's an amazing thing to be able to be a part of that, in however small a way I do it when I'm tapping away at my laptop in my living room or in the quad in front of the library (when the weather's good, I do like to catch a bit of sun -- I'll always be a California girl, I think). And I'm grateful to y'all for letting me be a part of that. Thank you for your ministries, for walking aside your congregations and proclaiming Good News, and thank you for inviting me to walk alongside you as well.
July 29, 2007 in Personal Notes | Permalink
Thank YOU for your excellent commentary--you're always an inspiration!
Posted by: revdrmom | Jul 30, 2007 11:00:22 AM
I am so glad that I stumbled across your website. It certainly does help me focus my ideas. I did not write out my sermon for Sunday but preached a message about global debt and the call to Jubilee. Jesus was talking about actual debt, not just some notion of trespass. Every Sunday all across the world we pray for something we are not willing to attain. I had one parishioner get quite upset that I preached on "debt" instead of "trespass" but other than that it was well received! Thank you!
Posted by: Rev. Tara Livingston | Jul 31, 2007 11:08:02 AM
It's disheartening how you make the Scriptures so mushy-headed, when they were hard-hitting. You turn the Lord's Prayer into a screed for a Marxist redistribution of wealth, which was never Christ's intent. People should not forgive other's debts because they are poor, but because it shows they have taken to heart God's commandment. I would guess this would mean even poor people should forgive their debts to other poor people. The Good News for the people is Christ's salvation not debt forgiveness by the wealthy.
Posted by: Caliban | Aug 1, 2007 6:28:02 AM
Dylan, you dear _idiot_ [;-)] !the thanks are entirely due from us, for all the inspirations, the unexpected insights, the sheer gift that your words and your work are to all of us who preach the Lectionary. The number of times that I have sat here, utterly devoid of even a starting point, and longing for your post to pop up in bloglines...and when it does, I'm launched...I just wish you were here in the UK so that I could invite you to preach from any pulpit I may ever have a stake in...actually, it would be good for other reasons too. I owe you so many drinks by now.
Grateful thanks and much love xx
Posted by: Kathryn | Aug 3, 2007 3:29:12 PM
I too am happy that one day I ran into your site while researching something and I found a meaningful insight and decided to subscribe. Thanks for knowledge and insights which you so willingly share with us. I know sometines your views will open a new avenue of thought around a text. One I particulaly recall with fondness is your story about working in Scotland and how the restaurant and its patrons are a symbol of the kingdom. Thanks again.
Posted by: Daniel | Aug 4, 2007 9:18:10 AM
My congregations have benefitted hugely from the fact that you regularly share your ideas and research. These days, I need only say "Sarah said..." and they know who I'm talking about.
Posted by: greg andrews | Aug 6, 2007 7:02:50 AM