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Holy Week helps
Holy Week is almost upon us, and I'm wondering what help y'all who are preaching could use from me. I was thinking that I'd post something for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, but I know that some parishes (would that it were all parishes!) also offer the Eucharist on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week. What helps would you like to see here?
March 4, 2005 in Administrivia | Permalink
In addition to what you've already listed, I'm preaching at the Easter Vigil, and I'm wondering about how that is preached differently/the same as Easter day?
Posted by: Kathy | Mar 4, 2005 1:42:25 PM
You can see the two sets of readings in the Book of Common Prayer lectionary at:
... and ...
The gospel passage can be the same: if you're using the Book of Common Prayer lectionary, then the gospel for the primary service on Easter Sunday would be either John 20:1-10(11-18) or Matthew 28:1-10, while at the Vigil the gospel is Matthew 28:1-10.
Posted by: Sarah Dylan Breuer | Mar 4, 2005 3:58:36 PM
I'm not exactly preaching -- unless blogging counts, which it probably doesn't -- but I wouldn't mind seeing some material to guide me through Holy Week.
Posted by: James | Mar 4, 2005 5:21:20 PM
I'd be the last person to say that blogging isn't preaching. :)
In some ways, I'd say that it's best to hold off on Holy Week until it comes; start Holy Week early, and you miss the full experience of Lent. But I'm betwixt two world here -- church professionals in some ways must always be living two or three weeks ahead of where the calendar says we are. Since I've needed to do that, I've tried to look at that two-week lag time as kind of like stretching before the workout, and I can see some advantages to that way of things too.
See if you can make it to the Great Vigil on Saturday night. That's my favorite liturgy in the Book of Common Prayer, I think. Great stuff!
Posted by: Sarah Dylan Breuer | Mar 5, 2005 1:05:57 AM
I'm down to preach at Evensong on Easter Sunday,- where the readings will be different again, though I'm not yet certain if Jn 20 will be used in the morning, or whether I might be able to purloin that. Otherwise, it looks like Revelation, which fills me with terror.
Oh, and yes PLEASE Maundy Thursday...sooner rather than later would be blissful.
I do hope you know how much we appreciate you, Dylan. xx
Posted by: Kathryn | Mar 5, 2005 7:58:06 AM
A lay question here: My church used to do the foot washing on Maundy Thursday, but gave it up a couple of years ago. Do many churches still do this or were we as odd as everybody said it was? I miss it. My first year there was nobody after me and I went through the whole year owing somebody a footbath. Which, I think, actually may be the point...
Posted by: e | Mar 5, 2005 3:47:09 PM
I am recently ordained (last September) and am a local priest for a small parish with a secular full time job. I need all of the help I can get. I will be preaching Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. I would appreciate any insight and help you can provide. Just by way of comment to previous poster - we continue to do Maundy Thursday foot washing with more participation each year. I will offer optional hand washingfor the first time this year.
Posted by: Jean | Mar 6, 2005 9:16:59 AM
Every parish I've ever been in has done the footwashing; the closest any of them have come to not doing it is one particularly large parish, in which the only footwashing that goes on is the clergy wash the feet of the vestry, with the rest of the congregation neither washing nor being washed. Personally, I didn't like that approach, though I understood that it would take either very good planning or a long time to have everyone participate directly with a congregation that size.
Posted by: Sarah Dylan Breuer | Mar 7, 2005 9:17:31 AM
As a lay person, I look forward to whatever you make time to share.
Looks like we may have entries for much of Holy Week, which would be a true treat.
As to whether I preach through my blog ... probably yes, but I try not to be too obvious about it.
Posted by: Jonah | Mar 7, 2005 11:58:17 AM
Oh, what a saint- you even ask us what we need!! Thank you thank you- Maunday Thurs, Good Friday and Easter are all I need to preach at, but Easter Vigil would be lovely to have too - someday we'll do one in this non-liturgical church. Thank you thank you for saving my preaching more than once and forgive me for not saying so sooner...
Posted by: PJ | Mar 7, 2005 5:20:52 PM
Tell me about footwashing liturgies experiences on Maundy Thursday. We've only done very modest ones with the clergy (me) washing the feet of a few people and someone then washing my feet. Thanks so much.
Richard Fife +
Posted by: Richard | Mar 11, 2005 10:27:12 AM
We do footwashing in the Methodist Church here in England. There is even an order for it in the Methodist Worship Book. I am amazed at how even very reserved English congregations are willing to participate, although many of them have to wash their feet first before they come, which I think is missing the point. Since when did we have to make ourselves presentable for God to take care of us?
Looking forward to what treats you have in store for us Dylan, your insights have held me steady in the pulpit on more than one occasion. God Bless you.
Posted by: Sheryl Anderson | Mar 12, 2005 8:35:48 AM
We do footwashing in the Methodist Church here in England. There is even an order for it in the Methodist Worship Book. I am amazed at how even very reserved English congregations are willing to participate, although many of them have to wash their feet first before they come, which I think is missing the point. Since when did we have to make ourselves presentable for God to take care of us?
Looking forward to what treats you have in store for us Dylan, your insights have held me steady in the pulpit on more than one occasion. God Bless you.
Posted by: Sheryl Anderson | Mar 12, 2005 8:37:04 AM