"whether you eat or drink ..."
As St. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 10:11:
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.
I'd say the New York barkeeps and restaurant owners behind this story are doing better than many of us in putting that into action. On September 12, there will be a cocktail hour from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. offering New Orleans-style drinks like the Sazerac, Pimm’s Cup, Comfort Julep, Vieux Carre, Ramos’ Gin Fizz, Obituary Cocktail, French 75, Hurricane, and Brandy Milk Punch at the special -- and higher -- price of $10 each, with all receipts going to benefit Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Gawker has promised to post the list pf participating establishments.
I like that people are coming together to figure out how the gifts they have could contribute something of real and substantial help, and it seems in keeping with New Orleans' spirit (no pun intended) to have a celebration of that city's culture to raise money. I'd love to see folks with other talents -- artists, jazz musicians, and others -- to get together for similar celebrations of New Orleans culture to raise funds for relief.
September 5, 2005 in Current Affairs, Flood Aid, Food and Drink, Hurricane Katrina | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack
a prayer for those affected by Hurricane Katrina
I'm glad to be participating in the Blog for Relief day. Please consider donating to Episcopal Relief and Development to get relief to the areas of greatest need, and please offer your prayers as well.
Most Merciful, Most Compassionate God
Hear our prayers for your people affected by Hurricane Katrina
And let their cries come unto You.
O God, the floods have engulfed the land
The storms made a wasteland of water
How can we sing to you
when so many have died or are missing?
Strengthen those who cling to life
Keep their hope and hearts alive;
Revive the weary rescue workers and tired medical teams
Renew the resolve of those who have lost verything.
Quicken all efforts to rush resources and aid
Send our people to help;
Open our hearts to give and give again
that we may be generous bearers of healing and help.
God of the Universe
Pour out your Spirit of mercy and compassion
In Your Name we pray. AMEN.
-- Wilma Jakobsen
September 1, 2005 in Episcopal Relief and Development, Flood Aid, Hurricane Katrina | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
relief in Katrina's aftermath
Tomorrow -- Thursday, Sept. 1 -- has been designated as a day for bloggers to raise awareness and funds for those affected by Hurricane Katrina. If you've got a blog, please participate by blogging on the subject, providing a link for folks to donate to relief efforts, and registering your participation with Truth Laid Bear, who is keeping a database of relief bloggers.
My prayers are with all of those affected -- for those who have lost their lives or have lost loved ones, for those searching for those missing, for relief workers, for those displaced. The aftermath of the hurricane is going to last a long, long time, and disease and violence have joined the flooding itself as threats to life. Lord, have mercy!
Please consider a donation to Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) to help with relief efforts. ERD is a responsible and very effective organization; they work with local people to get maximum relief to those most in need and with a minimum of overhead.
ERD Responds to Hurricane Katrina
[Episcopal Relief and Development]
As Hurricane Katrina leaves behind devastation in Florida and Louisiana, and closes in on Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee, Episcopal Relief and Development has mobilized in support of communities affected by this disaster.
After tearing through Florida on Friday, the Category 4 hurricane regained force over the Gulf of Mexico, with winds topping 145 mph.
This morning, Katrina touched down again, just east of New Orleans, Louisiana. Hurricane–force winds caused a path of destruction 250 miles across. A million New Orleans residents avoided harm by obeying a mandatory citywide evacuation.
Seventy percent of the coastal city is below sea level, and is protected from flooding by levees and pumps. After pumps failed in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans, filling the streets with six feet of water, dozens of people had to be rescued from the roofs of their houses.
Katrina is over Mississippi this afternoon. Storm surges in Gulfport, Mississippi have already plunged the city under ten feet of water. Winds tore the roofs off buildings in Biloxi, Mississippi.
Disaster officials will begin assessing the damage to Louisiana and Mississippi today.
Hurricane Katrina is one of the most destructive hurricanes ever to hit the US. Experts estimate that it could cause between $10 and $25 billion worth of damage. If the higher assessments are confirmed, Katrina will be the most expensive hurricane in US history.
On behalf of Episcopalians, ERD has sent emergency funds immediately to the Diocese of Mississippi. This emergency assistance will help vulnerable people whose homes are destroyed or severely damaged. ERD support will help the diocese provide aid to community members through two mobile response trailers, which are equipped with supplies like chainsaws and generators to assist in the recovery.
We are waiting to hear what kind of aid is most needed in Louisiana. We have also offered emergency assistance to dioceses likely to be affected as the storm moves inland, including Alabama and Tennessee. Forecasters also warn of the risk of high winds, flooding, and scattered tornadoes in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.
We offer our prayers for the people affected by this disaster – those whose homes are under 10 feet of water, those who have lost family members, and those whose businesses have been blown down and swept away. Please join us in praying for people affected by Hurricane Katrina.
To make a contribution to help people affected by Hurricane Katrina, please donate to the US Hurricane Fund by credit card via this page or by calling 1-800-334-7626, ext. 5129. Gifts can be mailed to: Episcopal Relief and Development, c/o US Hurricane Fund, PO Box 12043, Newark, NJ 07101.
Episcopal Relief and Development, an independent 501(c) 3 organization, saves lives and builds hope in communities around the world. We provide emergency assistance in times of crisis and rebuild after disasters. We enable people to climb out of poverty by offering long-term solutions in the areas of food security and health care, including HIV/AIDS and malaria.
August 31, 2005 in Episcopal Relief and Development, Flood Aid, Hurricane Katrina | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack