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back to blogging and a request for help
Dear All,
I can't believe it's been so long since I've blogged! As you might have guessed, things have been insanely busy. We bought a house (which I love!), moved into it (always a crazy process), painted and patched and plumbered, adopted two lovely cats (whom you'll meet soon), and wrote like crazy (among other things, I have now completed two projects on my mind for a while -- some writing on 2 Corinthians for Church House Publishing in the UK and a chapter for the next Emergent Manifesto book with Baker Publications). And then there are some other exciting things I'll be posting about later.
But now I'm surfacing for breath and find that it's been months since I've posted to SarahLaughed.net. Wow. Quite a long break after over three years of continuous bloggins! It's good to be back.
I'd like to share one of the exciting things in the pipeline with you now. In response to the phenomenal success of An Inconvenient Truth and as further means to building an effective, grass-roots movement to increase awareness of the crisis our planet's climate is in, Al Gore and The Climate Project has invited 150 leaders from faith communities to join them for training as presenters who can take the message as volunteers around the world. I'm among those invited.
The Climate Project is providing partial subsidy of accommodations for the training, so the hotel will only cost me $80. It looks like a flight to Nashville and incidentals (getting to and from the airport and whatnot) will cost something like $300 - $350.
I've just taken leave of absence from the Episcopal Divinity School due to hefty tuition bills, and as rewarding personally as my recent writing and work for IMPACT Boston has been, it hasn't left a lot of room to pay for travel, and presenters for The Climate Project are strictly volunteers; we're not allowed to collect honoraria or other payment aside from reimbursement for expenses. In other words, this isn't a career move or a financial boost for me; it is, however, an opportunity to make a difference with respect to an issue that I'm passionate about, that affects all living things on this world, and that has disproportionate, devastating, unjust, and growing effect on the world's poorest.
Can y'all help get me to Tennessee for this training? If so, please consider donating toward the cost of my participation, and, if you feel so moved, lending your voice to the effort on your own blogs and social networks.
Thank you for your support -- both with respect to this and with all of the kind and encouraging notes and constructive feedback you've offered me. They all mean a great deal to me.
August 15, 2008 in Churchiness, Current Affairs, Life and Whatnot, Personal News, Where's Dylan? | Permalink
hey there,
if it helps, i'd be happy to pick you up and drop you off at the airport. you are also welcome to stay with us - altho we live with a couple of little people in a small place near a bus stop and very close to downtown. lmk if i/we can be helpful. :)
Posted by: the holly | Aug 16, 2008 10:00:06 AM
It's good to see you back bloggin'. I've missed you. It's good to hear all you are doing. It exhausts me just reading about it. Looking forward to reading more of you.
Posted by: thetentmaker | Aug 16, 2008 4:31:55 PM
hi Dylan, I'm happy to send you some cash for your trip but the link seems not to be working. Can you check?
Noodling around your website always takes my breath away! A wonderful site. I hope you're both well. Peace - Hall
Posted by: Hall Kirkham | Aug 20, 2008 1:14:32 PM