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U2charist (with all live music!) @ Hancock UCC, March 4
I'll be singing and playing guitar alongside Elisa Lucozzi, drummer extraodinaire, at a U2charist at Hancock (Massachusetts) UCC on the evening of March 4th. If you're in the area and would like to experience a U2charist with live music -- or to see how you can do a U2charist with entirely live music when you've only got two musicians -- please save the date! We're planning a session in the early evening at which anyone who wants to come to the service but isn't familiar with U2's music can learn songs we'll be singing, then have a break for my voice and Elisa's hands to recover, and then the service will start. I'll announce the exact times soon.
Blessings, and I hope to see some SarahLaughed.net readers there!
For more info on the U2charist, check out the U2charist resources page.
February 19, 2008 in Churchiness, Music, ONE campaign/Millennium Development Goals (MGDs), U2charist, Where's Dylan? | Permalink