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mind if I gush about something geeky?
If you're a Mac user, Shiira is an AMAZINGLY fast web browser. And it even can use bookmarks and such from other browsers, like Safari and/or (that's right -- it can use multiple sets of bookmarks) Firefox, without importing -- you just specify in Preferences which other browsers' bookmarks you want Shiira to use. I haven't used it long enough to find out whether it's buggy, but as of right now, I'm impressed; I just made it my default browser.
January 9, 2006 in Web/Tech | Permalink
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I've been playing with the second release since Christmas. The Loving Husband does a lot with Cocoa -- he's geeking out on it too. Haven't found any bugs yet.
You should try Voodoopad.
I've used it for a semester and had lots of fun with it. I'm now putting EVERYTHING in Voodoopad to find hidden connections.
Posted by: rev mommy | Jan 16, 2006 10:56:09 AM