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Dylan needs ...
A meme making its way around the Internet, with a tip o' th' hat to Kathyrn: you Google your name and the word "needs," and blog the top ten hits that come up. So, according to Google, this is what Dylan needs:
- Dylan needs to go to the bathroom
- Dylan needs to speak out
- Dylan needs a black woman
- Dylan needs to be able to move to complete creative potential
- Dylan needs a way to specify output formats for floats
- Dylan needs rescuing
- Dylan needs Tyr
- Dylan needs some friends
- Dylan needs a Pulitzer Prize
- Dylan needs to go on tour
Oh, the things one learns from Google!
November 9, 2005 in Silliness | Permalink
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» Fun thing to do... from Pearlbear's Blog
Dylan, one of my favorite bloggers (I've told you to read her blogs, right?) has a fun thing, apparently making it's way across the net. Google your name, add the word 'needs' and list the top 10 things you find. Here's mine: 1. Michelle needs your hel... [Read More]
Tracked on Nov 12, 2005 11:38:44 PM
omg wtf is this? how is it right?
Posted by: dylan | Apr 29, 2008 11:26:02 PM
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