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another quiz
What blogging archetype am I? I guess I shouldn't be surprised ...

You are an AKMA.
You stand out from the crowd because of deeply held beliefs in the unknown.
You ponder endlessly and treat everyone, even fucknozzles, with respect.
WWAD (what would AKMA do) guides your actions.
Take the What Blogging Archetype Are You test at GAZM.org
August 17, 2005 in Silliness | Permalink
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No, I'M AKMA... ;-)
Posted by: Mark | Aug 18, 2005 6:57:02 AM
Gosh, this is confusing ... especially since I gather that the last time he took the quiz, AKMA's results indicated that he's not AKMA.
Posted by: Sarah Dylan Breuer | Aug 18, 2005 9:33:24 AM
Weird for me because I had AKMA in both college and seminary ('had' as a professor in case anyone is reading this from the gutter).
Posted by: will smama | Aug 26, 2005 11:09:56 AM
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