news summary: Friday, Aug. 12, 2005

The big Anglican story today is a provisional ruling in the property dispute between the Diocese of Los Angeles and St. James' church in Newport Beach, California, where American Anglican Council president David Anderson was formerly rector and which broke away from the Epsicopal Church and was claimed by the Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi as a congregation of the (Anglican) Church of Uganda. Orange County Judge David Valesquez is expected to issue a final ruling on Monday regarding whether St. James' property is owned by the congregation or the diocese, but his tentative ruling issued today suggests that he is likely to rule on Monday in favor of the congregation. The tentative ruling is non-binding and could differ from the final ruling, but it does indicate the direction of the judge's thinking at present. Leads and links to articles from news coverage on this and other items (a good article on the controversy at St. John's in Connecticut and an Evangelical Times story on the founding of a new theological college by Holy Trinity Brompton, home of the Alpha program) can be found below.

August 12, 2005 in "Connecticut Six", Church of England, Diocese of Connecticut, Diocese of Eastern Michigan, Diocese of Los Angeles, Forward in Faith/First Promise, News Summary, St. James, Newport Beach, CA | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Rift In Connecticut Church Mirrors National Episcopal Split

‘St. John's In Exile' Group Now Worships At Sister Church Since Bishop Suspended Priest
Published on 8/12/2005, New London, CT

BRISTOL — Like many in the Episcopal Church, parishioners at St. John's are divided over the issue of gay clergy. But here, the rift has split the congregation in two.

Connecticut Bishop Andrew Smith suspended the Rev. Mark Hansen last month and ordered the building's locks changed, stripping control from the local council. Another priest now leads services there for about 40 parishioners, some of whom are relieved to be rid of Hansen's frequent sermons speaking out against gay clerics. The suspended priest is barred from leading a Connecticut parish for six months and could be removed from the priesthood.

Another 40 or 50 parishioners who support Hansen are calling themselves “St. John's in Exile.” They have decamped to nearby Trinity Episcopal Church, where they worship under the leadership of another priest and call Smith's actions “despicable.”

Nine conservative bishops from across the country, meanwhile, have threatened to take Smith to religious court. They are preparing a “presentment,” a formal ecclesiastical charge, accusing Smith of “conduct unbecoming” a bishop for suspending Hansen.

Link to full article

August 12, 2005 in "Connecticut Six", Diocese of Connecticut | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack