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"God Save the Quean/Louie Louie (We Are His Crew)"

To the tune of "God Save the Queen" (of course) and then "Louie, Louie" (of course):

God save our gracious Quean

Luti, our noble Quean

God save our Quean

His victories were ours

Shower him now with flowers

He’s Quean of all our hearts

God save the Quean



Louie, Louie whoa

we’re his Crew


For decades he has worked his charm

to see the church -- would bless -- instead of harm

He’s Quean of verse -- you know that it’s true

with wit far sharper than our Blue Book is blue


Louie, Louie whoa

we’re his Crew


Without him I just wouldn’t be here

And countless folk the hets and the Queer

Felt God’s love first from his reach online

and may I say his coding skills make him truly fine


Louie Louie whoa

we’re his Crew


There’s a pow’r behind this gracious Quean’s throne

It’s time we rise to Ernest’s virtues own

Commands the skies with service divine

Makes sure the Quean’s reign sees the Crown truly shine


Oh Ernest, Ernest

thanks for lending us Louie Crew


So God save the Quean and his consort dear

take up his exhortations without fear

He may say that he’s gonna retire

But he will spark us on until we see asbestos on fire


July 16, 2012 | Permalink


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