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voices we want to hear from
We are talking in The Episcopal Church (TEC) about major restructuring to help us respond better to God's call to us in this time and in our cultures.
We are talking about what TEC might look like if we took seriously the potential of horizontal networking, cloud networking, and crowd sourcing, among other phenomena that have been used successfully and with great impact by many leaders outside of the church, and leaders who are Episcopalian, but whose vast experience of and wisdom regarding networking and organizing in the 21st century has been ignored in the church even as they profoundly shape our world.
Do you know of such a person whose genius is underutilized or not called upon at all in TEC, someone who's not enmeshed in existing church structures, someone who might have something truly fresh and valuable to say if s/he is given the information s/he needs about our resources and an invitation to present her/his vision of what TEC might look like if we dreamed it up all over again with a structure perfectly suited to our context now?
If so, please give the person's name, why you thought of this person, and some kind of link or information that might help someone get a sense of this person's work and how to contact her/him.
We can work together to invite these folks to add their vision to the mix of ideas that we as TEC -- not just the people with titles, but everyone -- want to talk about. So, go for it! Dream big!
February 14, 2012 | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack